A&A Is Back Today!
Woo Hoo! Get excited dear reader! Awkward and Awesome Thursday is back. Laziness and business kept me from posting last week (okay, okay, it was mostly laziness), but here I am, to bring you more awkward and awesome moments from my life.
- These photos I took on PhotoBooth. Although, they are a little bit awesome aren't they? Look at that gorgeous wavy hair! (see below)
- Gathering ALL of the paperwork I have for my visa--which is quite a bit, I tell ya--and then not having the ONE piece of paper the people at the Department of Homeland Security need. And the lady giving me the death glare when I keep showing her papers she doesn't want. Well, sor-ry, lady!
- Having the tiniest, tiniest bite from a turkey vulture, and then having it swell up and get infected and HURT so much. So I complain and complain and when people want to see the injury I'm like, "Oh, well it's right here." "Where?" they ask. "Right. Here." "What? That itty-bitty little speck of a cut?" Yes. YES! Okay, I know it's small, but it HURTS!
- Using the word "frigid" to describe weather in front of British kids. And having them snigger. Apparently "frigid" means something else in British English. Oops.
- Wearing shoes that I KNOW hurt my feet. And walking around the mall until I get blisters on my toes. So then I have to hobble from store to store like I'm the crippled child from A Christmas Carol.
- Forgetting to bring my ID to a beer tasting. And then trying to convince people that not only am I of age, I am one year beyond being of age. No one was convinced. Especially since (another awkward moment) the cashier at Kohl's was convinced I was 15. Awesome? Not.
- My hair. It's really been good to me lately.
- Going to MAM After Dark, Irish Fest, AND Fish Fry & a Flick (sort of) all in one night. Do I know how to have a good time or what?
- FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY mailing out my visa. I just hope I get it back in time to go on my trip considering they also have my passport. Yikes!
- Hanging out with three awesome British kids. They taught me a lot about what to expect in England (I'm hoping to have a post on this later). And we had a great time touring Milwaukee; I got to see my beloved city through their eyes, which was certainly an experience.
- Starting to revamp an old novel of mine. And knowing that I'm working out old kinks and making it better. Hopefully draft two will be even more awesome!
- Discovering that I actually like tomatoes! The tomatoes we're growing in our garden (and by we, I mean my step-dad) are sweet and delicious. I've been eating sliced tomatoes on toast with mayo, salt, and pepper. What a perfect summer snack!
A&A Is Back Today!
Woo Hoo! Get excited dear reader! Awkward and Awesome Thursday is back. Laziness and business kept me from posting last week (okay, okay, it was mostly laziness), but here I am, to bring you more awkward and awesome moments from my life.
- These photos I took on PhotoBooth. Although, they are a little bit awesome aren't they? Look at that gorgeous wavy hair! (see below)
- Gathering ALL of the paperwork I have for my visa--which is quite a bit, I tell ya--and then not having the ONE piece of paper the people at the Department of Homeland Security need. And the lady giving me the death glare when I keep showing her papers she doesn't want. Well, sor-ry, lady!
- Having the tiniest, tiniest bite from a turkey vulture, and then having it swell up and get infected and HURT so much. So I complain and complain and when people want to see the injury I'm like, "Oh, well it's right here." "Where?" they ask. "Right. Here." "What? That itty-bitty little speck of a cut?" Yes. YES! Okay, I know it's small, but it HURTS!
- Using the word "frigid" to describe weather in front of British kids. And having them snigger. Apparently "frigid" means something else in British English. Oops.
- Wearing shoes that I KNOW hurt my feet. And walking around the mall until I get blisters on my toes. So then I have to hobble from store to store like I'm the crippled child from A Christmas Carol.
- Forgetting to bring my ID to a beer tasting. And then trying to convince people that not only am I of age, I am one year beyond being of age. No one was convinced. Especially since (another awkward moment) the cashier at Kohl's was convinced I was 15. Awesome? Not.
- My hair. It's really been good to me lately.
- Going to MAM After Dark, Irish Fest, AND Fish Fry & a Flick (sort of) all in one night. Do I know how to have a good time or what?
- FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY mailing out my visa. I just hope I get it back in time to go on my trip considering they also have my passport. Yikes!
- Hanging out with three awesome British kids. They taught me a lot about what to expect in England (I'm hoping to have a post on this later). And we had a great time touring Milwaukee; I got to see my beloved city through their eyes, which was certainly an experience.
- Starting to revamp an old novel of mine. And knowing that I'm working out old kinks and making it better. Hopefully draft two will be even more awesome!
- Discovering that I actually like tomatoes! The tomatoes we're growing in our garden (and by we, I mean my step-dad) are sweet and delicious. I've been eating sliced tomatoes on toast with mayo, salt, and pepper. What a perfect summer snack!
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