You Know What Day It Is...
- The above photographs. (But you know what’s awesome? I got that purple sweater from Value Village for $3. Nifty thrifty! (Awkward: Saying “nifty thrifty.” I don’t actually say these things aloud in public so that’s a relief. (Though I am prone to saying “Whoa, Nelly!” and “Holy mackerel!” at times.)))
- Locking myself out of my room. Again. And being in my pajamas and not having any shoes on. And then having to borrow a housemate’s shoes (which were 2 sizes too big) and her military style-coat. So I looked like a child/clown/soldier whilst walking around Cambridge. At 10 o’clock at night. Fantastic.
- Having to constantly ask people working in the grocery store where different things are located. I can’t find anything! And asking her where sour cream and buttermilk are, only to have her go, “They’re right next to you.” Oh.
- Standing in a club and having a guy come up to me, run his finger down my nose, smirk, and walk away. Um...okay?
- What this slightly damp, slightly warm air does to my hair. How does every other girl here have gorgeous straight or gorgeous curly hair even whilst walking around outside in the mist? My hair frizzes, flips in seventeen different directions, and my bangs…oh dear…you don’t even want to know. No matter what I do to them—hairspray, straightening—they just don’t listen. Maybe I should just wear a bonnet until summer.

- Finally getting to wear my new Hunter boots! For being part of England, Cambridge gets practically no rain. Which is super disappointing since I just got these gorgeous new rain boots. But today it was raining (well, sort of…enough to constitute wearing wellies) and I busted out the boots! So exciting.
- My new Dalek “Exterminate!” water bottle from the Doctor Who Experience Gift Shop. It looks like something a seven-year-old British boy would own, but I don’t care. I proudly whip it out in lectures and have a sip of water. Anyone else parched? Because I’m not!
- Finally getting to read The Tempest. And it was just as awesome as I was hoping it would be.
- My supervisor sitting me down to talk to me about my paper and starting off by saying, “There were so many fantastic things about this!” Such a relief after last week’s disappointment.
- Caving in and downloading Spotify. Now I can listen to Amelie and Bon Iver and Pale Young Gentlemen and I don’t even have to try to find them in one of Cambridge’s many libraries! Huzzah!
- My friend brought this up, and I'm ashamed that I didn't mention this: but I spent the weekend in London and it was super awesome. The real reason I didn't mention it: because I'm planning on doing a whole blog post about it this weekend. But I'll put a little teaser right here: it included copious amounts of food, hilarious Frenchies, and, of course, The Doctor.
You Know What Day It Is...
- The above photographs. (But you know what’s awesome? I got that purple sweater from Value Village for $3. Nifty thrifty! (Awkward: Saying “nifty thrifty.” I don’t actually say these things aloud in public so that’s a relief. (Though I am prone to saying “Whoa, Nelly!” and “Holy mackerel!” at times.)))
- Locking myself out of my room. Again. And being in my pajamas and not having any shoes on. And then having to borrow a housemate’s shoes (which were 2 sizes too big) and her military style-coat. So I looked like a child/clown/soldier whilst walking around Cambridge. At 10 o’clock at night. Fantastic.
- Having to constantly ask people working in the grocery store where different things are located. I can’t find anything! And asking her where sour cream and buttermilk are, only to have her go, “They’re right next to you.” Oh.
- Standing in a club and having a guy come up to me, run his finger down my nose, smirk, and walk away. Um...okay?
- What this slightly damp, slightly warm air does to my hair. How does every other girl here have gorgeous straight or gorgeous curly hair even whilst walking around outside in the mist? My hair frizzes, flips in seventeen different directions, and my bangs…oh dear…you don’t even want to know. No matter what I do to them—hairspray, straightening—they just don’t listen. Maybe I should just wear a bonnet until summer.

- Finally getting to wear my new Hunter boots! For being part of England, Cambridge gets practically no rain. Which is super disappointing since I just got these gorgeous new rain boots. But today it was raining (well, sort of…enough to constitute wearing wellies) and I busted out the boots! So exciting.
- My new Dalek “Exterminate!” water bottle from the Doctor Who Experience Gift Shop. It looks like something a seven-year-old British boy would own, but I don’t care. I proudly whip it out in lectures and have a sip of water. Anyone else parched? Because I’m not!
- Finally getting to read The Tempest. And it was just as awesome as I was hoping it would be.
- My supervisor sitting me down to talk to me about my paper and starting off by saying, “There were so many fantastic things about this!” Such a relief after last week’s disappointment.
- Caving in and downloading Spotify. Now I can listen to Amelie and Bon Iver and Pale Young Gentlemen and I don’t even have to try to find them in one of Cambridge’s many libraries! Huzzah!
- My friend brought this up, and I'm ashamed that I didn't mention this: but I spent the weekend in London and it was super awesome. The real reason I didn't mention it: because I'm planning on doing a whole blog post about it this weekend. But I'll put a little teaser right here: it included copious amounts of food, hilarious Frenchies, and, of course, The Doctor.
With the most innocuous and not-creepy of intentions, I decided to poke my nose around the internet to sniff out this years DJ recipients. I sniffed out this blog!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I was once locked out of 14 Madingley in sweatpants that were vaguely too big for me, no shirt, and no shoes. It was around 5.30 am. It was pissing rain. I had to be at the boathouse in 30 mins for a rowing outing. Frantically, I ran to the forecourt p'lodge, got the lockout key, and got back into my room just in time to see the clouds part and the sun come out.
It happens to all of us.
- Brian (2008 DJ scholar)
Glad you stumbled upon my blog! I saw Danae yesterday and she told me you're going to be in London next week. Nathan is coming to Hall on Wednesday; you should see if you can stop by and have dinner with us!
ReplyDeleteAlso, your lockout story is much worse than any of mine. I'm waiting for the day I'm in a towel when I get locked out (because, of course, I'm sure it'll happen again).