The above photo. Wh…what? I think we were playing charades.
Going into the Mac store to get Lion OS discs and pushing past the six or so Mac guys at the front of the store. When they asked if they could help me, I said no, because I knew where the discs would be. “On a mission?” one guy asked. “Yup,” I said, “I need to get a new OS!” Then reaching the back of the store only to find that there aren’t any OS discs. When another guy asks if I need help, I tell him what I’m looking for. He then looks at me like I’m crazy and says, “We’ve never had OS discs. Everything’s online.” Oh, great. So now the guys at the front of the store think I’m crazy. And then—going to skip over the reason because it’s tedious—having to go back into the same Mac store an hour later and facing the same guys again! And then leaving only to discover that my hair looked liked bed head/wind tunnel/camping without showering for a week hair. Fan-frickin’-tastic.
My bangs after I wear a riding helmet. My bangs when I wear masks. Basically my bangs always and forever.
Seeing a rather unfortunate production of one of my all-time favorite plays. Out of nearly two dozen characters, only two managed to speak their lines a.) with the right projection (unlike one who only ever shouted or whispered) b.) at another character (as opposed to just monologing dialogue) c.) with the proper emotion associated with the words. The only plus-side of the piece was that one of the characters—a rather strapping young lad—spent 2/3 of the play shirtless. Why, thank you, sir.
Dancing with a guy friend and a girl friend in a club. Creeper approaches, as they are wont to do. Guy friend dances between us girls in an attempt to make creeper go away. Creeper asks if guy friend is interested in us two girls. Guy friend says “yes” but really means “back off, creeper.” Creeper does not back off and instead asks us if we’re interested in a foursome. “BACK OFF, CREEPER!” Guy friend politely declined. Creeper finally backed off.
Making the same mistakes while horseback riding. I swear, if my instructor has to tell me to lift up my head one more time, she’s going to kill herself. I feel like such an idiot; why are the simplest things so difficult? Guess this isn’t a sport you learn after one go around.
My pirate costume. Made entirely from items in my closet. Why, might you ask, do I own so much clothing that put together makes a pretty snazzy pirate costume? No idea. Will talk about the Pirate Swap in another post. Above is the sneak peak.
Meeting some hilarious and awesome people at Trinity. Even if they’re our rival, I’m allowed to make frenemies, right?
Garlic bread dipped in mayo. So unhealthy, but so amazing.
It’s Week 5! Only a few more weeks before the end of term. (Okay, wait, that’s kind of scary.)
Anise mint tea. Sooooo good I want to bathe in it.
If you guys haven’t seen on Facebook or heard through word of mouth, a short story of mine titled “Sagittarius” was accepted for publication by the Wisconsin Review! This is my first real publication and I’m super excited. More details later.
Getting my laptop back tomorrow! Finally! Hopefully this weekend will be full of blog posts on all those topics that I’ve been meaning to write about. Be prepared for amazingness!
Looking forward to more fun stuff on your blog. You look pretty good as a priate too. Love Josie