About me

Friday, January 25, 2013

Just Because

1 comment:

  1. Just got home from cross country skiing at Yellowstone national park in Wy, USA...wow the blue skies, white capped mountains, pine trees, buffalo sitting on the trail (the trail you need to ski on!)good friends and lots of beer and food...belly laughing while playing cards, sitting at Chico hot springs in 100+ degree water on a 20 degree starry nite...steam rising and glasses fogging...wow...those are a few of my favorite things! Love Ron and Josie


Friday, January 25, 2013

Just Because

1 comment:

  1. Just got home from cross country skiing at Yellowstone national park in Wy, USA...wow the blue skies, white capped mountains, pine trees, buffalo sitting on the trail (the trail you need to ski on!)good friends and lots of beer and food...belly laughing while playing cards, sitting at Chico hot springs in 100+ degree water on a 20 degree starry nite...steam rising and glasses fogging...wow...those are a few of my favorite things! Love Ron and Josie
