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Friday, February 3, 2012

It's Awkward and Awesome Thurs...Oh, Well, Whatever

Whoo boy!   Has it been a long time since my last post!  Sorry for the excruciating gap, my dear readers.  He’s the lowdown on my absence: basically, my hard drive died a slow and painful death.  My Mac is currently at the laptop hospital, awaiting surgery.  I can still access the internet (thanks to a loaned German computer), but I don’t have iPhoto, which makes uploading cool pics rather difficult (hence why I haven’t done my Travel Bloopers post yet).  I’ve also been putting off A&A Thursday, but even I can only go without it for so long.  So here it is.  And I know what you're thinking, "But it's Friday!"  To that I say, "Stop complaining! You should be glad I'm even putting up a post!"  Anywa, please enjoy the following A&As and this complimentary photograph courtesy of my friend Angela.  I think it equal parts awkward and awesome.  (For more awkwardness, click on the photo to enlarge it and see my fantastic facial expression.)

·         Sitting in a cafe, reading at a two-person table. A couple sits at the two-person table next to me, which is very very close by.  They’re chatting loudly, but whatever, I knew it would be loud in a café. But then another friend shows up.  And he says to me, “Is anyone sitting here?” I say no, because no one was, but then, since the tables were quite close, he sits at my table and just turns his chair sideways to talk to the other two people.  Ummm…okay.  If you knew you had three people in your group, why did you choose a two-person table?  So then I just sat there awkwardly, trying to read, while these three people literally had a conversation around me.  Finally, when I was done with the poem I was reading, I just left.
·         Walking directly into sunlight so I’m sunblinded and can’t see my friend who’s been walking in my direction for about five minutes.  So then I walk by them without saying hi and they say hello in a confused way and I have to turn around and apologize like an idiot.
·         My older, very proper English professor trying to make our small supervision group of all girls understand the hidden innuendos in a poem.  None of us are getting it.  Finally after some nudging and hinting he finally says, “Well, it’s sex rearing its ugly head again isn’t it?” Awkward silence while we girls stare at the poem going, “Yeah…yeah…sure we see it now.”
·         The outrageous amount of gravy I put on my turkey and potatoes at lunch.  My friend tried joking, saying, “Oh, don’t worry, gravy’s a vegetable.”  When I gave her a look she said, “Yeah, if gravy was a vegetable, the English would be a lot thinner than they are now.”
·         Being underdressed at an event.  And by underdressed I mean: wearing a summer dress with birds on it when all the other girls are in satin and high heels.  (I didn’t worry too much, though.  I got to show off my stuff when it came time to dance (see below).)
·         Being completely unable to cook rice.  Ever.  Really, it shouldn’t be this difficult, should it?
·         Despite the high winds, my hair has been unusually manageable and definitely working the wind-swept look to its advantage.
·         Swing dancing, tangoing, and waltzing with my friend through the halls of another College while a handful of Caius boys stood by looking jealous.  Oh yes, boys, be jealous.  Also reaffirmed my love for ballroom dancing.
·         Free champagne.  This would also be put under the dangerous category if this was “Awkward, Awesome, and Dangerous” (but it’s not because there’s not alliteration there).
·         Game of Thrones (the TV show version). Yup, I’m addicted.
·         Going to see the Corpus Playroom’s production of The Dumb Waiter.  If you ever have a chance to see this play, please do yourself a favor and go.  It was the best £5 and 45 minutes I’ve spent in a long time.
·         St. John’s College’s Brunch.  £2.  All-you-can eat food.  They know how college kids think.

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Friday, February 3, 2012

It's Awkward and Awesome Thurs...Oh, Well, Whatever

Whoo boy!   Has it been a long time since my last post!  Sorry for the excruciating gap, my dear readers.  He’s the lowdown on my absence: basically, my hard drive died a slow and painful death.  My Mac is currently at the laptop hospital, awaiting surgery.  I can still access the internet (thanks to a loaned German computer), but I don’t have iPhoto, which makes uploading cool pics rather difficult (hence why I haven’t done my Travel Bloopers post yet).  I’ve also been putting off A&A Thursday, but even I can only go without it for so long.  So here it is.  And I know what you're thinking, "But it's Friday!"  To that I say, "Stop complaining! You should be glad I'm even putting up a post!"  Anywa, please enjoy the following A&As and this complimentary photograph courtesy of my friend Angela.  I think it equal parts awkward and awesome.  (For more awkwardness, click on the photo to enlarge it and see my fantastic facial expression.)

·         Sitting in a cafe, reading at a two-person table. A couple sits at the two-person table next to me, which is very very close by.  They’re chatting loudly, but whatever, I knew it would be loud in a café. But then another friend shows up.  And he says to me, “Is anyone sitting here?” I say no, because no one was, but then, since the tables were quite close, he sits at my table and just turns his chair sideways to talk to the other two people.  Ummm…okay.  If you knew you had three people in your group, why did you choose a two-person table?  So then I just sat there awkwardly, trying to read, while these three people literally had a conversation around me.  Finally, when I was done with the poem I was reading, I just left.
·         Walking directly into sunlight so I’m sunblinded and can’t see my friend who’s been walking in my direction for about five minutes.  So then I walk by them without saying hi and they say hello in a confused way and I have to turn around and apologize like an idiot.
·         My older, very proper English professor trying to make our small supervision group of all girls understand the hidden innuendos in a poem.  None of us are getting it.  Finally after some nudging and hinting he finally says, “Well, it’s sex rearing its ugly head again isn’t it?” Awkward silence while we girls stare at the poem going, “Yeah…yeah…sure we see it now.”
·         The outrageous amount of gravy I put on my turkey and potatoes at lunch.  My friend tried joking, saying, “Oh, don’t worry, gravy’s a vegetable.”  When I gave her a look she said, “Yeah, if gravy was a vegetable, the English would be a lot thinner than they are now.”
·         Being underdressed at an event.  And by underdressed I mean: wearing a summer dress with birds on it when all the other girls are in satin and high heels.  (I didn’t worry too much, though.  I got to show off my stuff when it came time to dance (see below).)
·         Being completely unable to cook rice.  Ever.  Really, it shouldn’t be this difficult, should it?
·         Despite the high winds, my hair has been unusually manageable and definitely working the wind-swept look to its advantage.
·         Swing dancing, tangoing, and waltzing with my friend through the halls of another College while a handful of Caius boys stood by looking jealous.  Oh yes, boys, be jealous.  Also reaffirmed my love for ballroom dancing.
·         Free champagne.  This would also be put under the dangerous category if this was “Awkward, Awesome, and Dangerous” (but it’s not because there’s not alliteration there).
·         Game of Thrones (the TV show version). Yup, I’m addicted.
·         Going to see the Corpus Playroom’s production of The Dumb Waiter.  If you ever have a chance to see this play, please do yourself a favor and go.  It was the best £5 and 45 minutes I’ve spent in a long time.
·         St. John’s College’s Brunch.  £2.  All-you-can eat food.  They know how college kids think.

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