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Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Awkward and Awesome Thursday!

034/365: Twins? (March 3, 2011)

-Constantly rubbing my eyes because of my contacts and people thinking I’m crying. 
-Saying “Hi!” to people in the hallway and they just walk right past me.  Then mumbling half to myself and half to the other people walking nearby who saw the interaction: “Must not have heard me…” so that I don’t look like a weirdo.  Even though I do.
-Forgetting to wear deodorant.  Good thing I don’t exert myself attending lectures.
-Reaching for the door just when someone on the other side swings it open and thus getting hit really hard in the shoulder and stumbling backwards like a crazy person.
-Liquid eyeliner.  And a shaky hand. 
-Spilling milk all over the stove and not being able to clean it up because I thought the burners didn’t come off.  Then having my roommate come up to me and ask, “Um…Deanie…did you happen to spill milk on the stove?”  Me: “Yeah, sorry, I tried cleaning it up but the burners don’t come off.”  Rommie: “Um….actually, they do.  You just pull them up, like this.”  And then she proceeds to easily pull them off.  Oh.  Oops.
-Completely wiping out whilst trying to walk up a slippery snowy hillside.  Basically stepping up to my knee in snow, throwing out my arm to catch myself and sinking up to my elbow in snow, and getting a ton of snow in my bag so my books get all wet.  Thank God no one was watching (unless some creepers were by their apartment windows). 

-Writing a kick-ass research paper on zombies.  It was so kick-ass that it was 12 pages instead of the required 5-7. 
-Winning the Oscar bid at my school (17/24 guesses right!) and winning a book of my choice!  I picked The Black Tower by Louis Bayard.
-Watching Firefly with Vinnie (4th time for me; 1st time for him).
-Lemonade Girl Scout Cookies
-Being able to take twin-esque pictures on my Mac (see above).
-TheSixtyOne.  If you haven’t discovered this website yet, do yourself a favor and check it out.
-The show Raising Hope and pretty much everyone on it, especially Garret Dillahunt.  Also, allowing myself to watch three episodes of it in a row instead of doing homework.
-Loving the two novels I have to read for class: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and A Star Called Henry by Roddy Doyle.
-Having family visit me last weekend!  Love seeing my aunt and uncle, Josie and Ron!
-Going to Ireland NEXT WEEKEND!

1 comment:

  1. Awkward: People asking me what are probably very straightforward questions in German and me just shrugging and saying I'm sorry. Must get better at this...

    Awesome: Being in Germany!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Awkward and Awesome Thursday!

034/365: Twins? (March 3, 2011)

-Constantly rubbing my eyes because of my contacts and people thinking I’m crying. 
-Saying “Hi!” to people in the hallway and they just walk right past me.  Then mumbling half to myself and half to the other people walking nearby who saw the interaction: “Must not have heard me…” so that I don’t look like a weirdo.  Even though I do.
-Forgetting to wear deodorant.  Good thing I don’t exert myself attending lectures.
-Reaching for the door just when someone on the other side swings it open and thus getting hit really hard in the shoulder and stumbling backwards like a crazy person.
-Liquid eyeliner.  And a shaky hand. 
-Spilling milk all over the stove and not being able to clean it up because I thought the burners didn’t come off.  Then having my roommate come up to me and ask, “Um…Deanie…did you happen to spill milk on the stove?”  Me: “Yeah, sorry, I tried cleaning it up but the burners don’t come off.”  Rommie: “Um….actually, they do.  You just pull them up, like this.”  And then she proceeds to easily pull them off.  Oh.  Oops.
-Completely wiping out whilst trying to walk up a slippery snowy hillside.  Basically stepping up to my knee in snow, throwing out my arm to catch myself and sinking up to my elbow in snow, and getting a ton of snow in my bag so my books get all wet.  Thank God no one was watching (unless some creepers were by their apartment windows). 

-Writing a kick-ass research paper on zombies.  It was so kick-ass that it was 12 pages instead of the required 5-7. 
-Winning the Oscar bid at my school (17/24 guesses right!) and winning a book of my choice!  I picked The Black Tower by Louis Bayard.
-Watching Firefly with Vinnie (4th time for me; 1st time for him).
-Lemonade Girl Scout Cookies
-Being able to take twin-esque pictures on my Mac (see above).
-TheSixtyOne.  If you haven’t discovered this website yet, do yourself a favor and check it out.
-The show Raising Hope and pretty much everyone on it, especially Garret Dillahunt.  Also, allowing myself to watch three episodes of it in a row instead of doing homework.
-Loving the two novels I have to read for class: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and A Star Called Henry by Roddy Doyle.
-Having family visit me last weekend!  Love seeing my aunt and uncle, Josie and Ron!
-Going to Ireland NEXT WEEKEND!

1 comment:

  1. Awkward: People asking me what are probably very straightforward questions in German and me just shrugging and saying I'm sorry. Must get better at this...

    Awesome: Being in Germany!
