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Friday, June 10, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday (on Friday)

Awkward Laugh? Yes, Indeed.

Whoa!  It’s Friday!  What the heck?!  Well, yesterday was extremely busy.  I went to one (1) museum, three (3) restaurants, five (5) houses, one (1) comic book store, and one (1) surprise party.  And I didn’t have access to a computer.  So: that’s my excuse for no A&A Thursday yesterday.  You’re just going to have to deal with it.  But it’s been a rollercoaster of a week.  I had some sort of food poisoning. That was super awkward, but I’ll spare you the details.  It then became super awesome and I did a lot of fun stuff.  Highlights below. 

  • The bathroom at Anodyne Coffee Shop.  There’s a large signed picture of Jamie Oliver.  Though Jamie Oliver is gorgeous and British and a chef, it’s rather awkward to sit on the toilet and see his giant face staring down at me.
  • Random strangers showing me pictures on their camera.  Ummmm…one picture of a bird is fine.  You’re at SANC; I’m doing a talk on birds.  But going through your camera to show me your garden and your new birdfeeders and random family photos.  That’s crossing a line, good sir.
  • Phone interviews.  Not like being interviewed for a job.  Being interviewed because someone wants to write an article about you for a magazine.  I always say “um” a million times.  And then I can hear the guy typing in the background.  I’m always afraid I’m going to say something stupid.  I usually do say something stupid.  Also awkward: feeling the need to brush my teeth before this interview.  Can the guy smell my stanky breath through the phone?  I don’t know.  But I’m not going to take the chance.
  • Forgetting to bring underwear to a sleepover.  Then running into the house, grabbing underwear, running out the door, and encountering the mailman.  Pleasantries become so much more awkward when you're standing on your front steps holding your car keys and a pair of underwear.
  • Squirt gun fights.  Indoors.  Yup.  It’s summer.
  • The trailer for The Devil's Double.  It’s like Man in the Iron Mask meets The Last King of Scotland meets the Middle East.  Also, Dominic Cooper looks like he’s going to dominate in his double roles.  Other cool trailers: Restless, Horrible Bosses, Crazy Stupid Love, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (US version), and The Perfect Host
  • Movie nights.  We watched Serenity, Monsters, and RocknRolla.  Yup, we’re nerds.  I may or may not do a triple movie review of these.  Depends on how much free time I have.
  • Surprise birthday parties! I’ve gone to two in the past month.  So much fun.  Getting a surprise birthday party planned for you is fun, but I like being the one jumping out from behind the sofa (or in the case of these two parties, a door and a pinball machine). 
Was your weekend more awkward or awesome?  Share your stories below.


  1. As someone who often interviews people for articles via telephone, I found those comments funny. One time I had a guy tell me, "You know, I can hear you typing in the background. I'm borderline autistic, so that's very distracting." This was some big wig real estate developer so I wasn't sure if he was kidding or what. Also, this might be just me, but I generally exclude any um's or awkward phrasing when quoting people.

    What magazine was that for?

    -Will (I didn't want to make any kind of account).

  2. I was being interviewed about my scholarship for Stritch Magazine. I assume he'll edit out the um's but it still makes me sound ridiculous. The guy was probably thinking, "How on Earth did this inarticulate girl get a scholarship?" Also, did you by chance comment on another post? The poster was Anonymous and I have no idea who it is. Annnnd you SHOULD make an account. I need more legit followers. :) But thanks for stopping by anyway.

  3. Awkward: never being able to comment.
    Awesome: finally being able to post.

  4. Carissa, how did you get it to work? What was up with that issue?

  5. It only works from my phone. No idea why.

  6. I don't think I've commented on anything else, but perhaps I will make an account.



Friday, June 10, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday (on Friday)

Awkward Laugh? Yes, Indeed.

Whoa!  It’s Friday!  What the heck?!  Well, yesterday was extremely busy.  I went to one (1) museum, three (3) restaurants, five (5) houses, one (1) comic book store, and one (1) surprise party.  And I didn’t have access to a computer.  So: that’s my excuse for no A&A Thursday yesterday.  You’re just going to have to deal with it.  But it’s been a rollercoaster of a week.  I had some sort of food poisoning. That was super awkward, but I’ll spare you the details.  It then became super awesome and I did a lot of fun stuff.  Highlights below. 

  • The bathroom at Anodyne Coffee Shop.  There’s a large signed picture of Jamie Oliver.  Though Jamie Oliver is gorgeous and British and a chef, it’s rather awkward to sit on the toilet and see his giant face staring down at me.
  • Random strangers showing me pictures on their camera.  Ummmm…one picture of a bird is fine.  You’re at SANC; I’m doing a talk on birds.  But going through your camera to show me your garden and your new birdfeeders and random family photos.  That’s crossing a line, good sir.
  • Phone interviews.  Not like being interviewed for a job.  Being interviewed because someone wants to write an article about you for a magazine.  I always say “um” a million times.  And then I can hear the guy typing in the background.  I’m always afraid I’m going to say something stupid.  I usually do say something stupid.  Also awkward: feeling the need to brush my teeth before this interview.  Can the guy smell my stanky breath through the phone?  I don’t know.  But I’m not going to take the chance.
  • Forgetting to bring underwear to a sleepover.  Then running into the house, grabbing underwear, running out the door, and encountering the mailman.  Pleasantries become so much more awkward when you're standing on your front steps holding your car keys and a pair of underwear.
  • Squirt gun fights.  Indoors.  Yup.  It’s summer.
  • The trailer for The Devil's Double.  It’s like Man in the Iron Mask meets The Last King of Scotland meets the Middle East.  Also, Dominic Cooper looks like he’s going to dominate in his double roles.  Other cool trailers: Restless, Horrible Bosses, Crazy Stupid Love, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (US version), and The Perfect Host
  • Movie nights.  We watched Serenity, Monsters, and RocknRolla.  Yup, we’re nerds.  I may or may not do a triple movie review of these.  Depends on how much free time I have.
  • Surprise birthday parties! I’ve gone to two in the past month.  So much fun.  Getting a surprise birthday party planned for you is fun, but I like being the one jumping out from behind the sofa (or in the case of these two parties, a door and a pinball machine). 
Was your weekend more awkward or awesome?  Share your stories below.


  1. As someone who often interviews people for articles via telephone, I found those comments funny. One time I had a guy tell me, "You know, I can hear you typing in the background. I'm borderline autistic, so that's very distracting." This was some big wig real estate developer so I wasn't sure if he was kidding or what. Also, this might be just me, but I generally exclude any um's or awkward phrasing when quoting people.

    What magazine was that for?

    -Will (I didn't want to make any kind of account).

  2. I was being interviewed about my scholarship for Stritch Magazine. I assume he'll edit out the um's but it still makes me sound ridiculous. The guy was probably thinking, "How on Earth did this inarticulate girl get a scholarship?" Also, did you by chance comment on another post? The poster was Anonymous and I have no idea who it is. Annnnd you SHOULD make an account. I need more legit followers. :) But thanks for stopping by anyway.

  3. Awkward: never being able to comment.
    Awesome: finally being able to post.

  4. Carissa, how did you get it to work? What was up with that issue?

  5. It only works from my phone. No idea why.

  6. I don't think I've commented on anything else, but perhaps I will make an account.

